Just Saw the new Episode of the Big Bang Theory!
For me one of the best Smart Comedies ever made :)
It gets better and better :)

"Three of the show's sideline players stepped up to the plate on this week's episode of 'The Big Bang Theory,' but it was Mayim Bialik as Amy Farrah Fowler who really stole the show.
Nunal Nayyar and Melissa Rauch delivered several fine, funny moments this week as Raj and Bernadette, but Bialik's quirky Amy is quickly becoming one of the show's go-to characters for hearty gut laughs.
Watching Amy's weekly de-evolution from stone cold scientist to Penny's catty "bestie" has been one of the season's biggest joys. The character has formed a fun little girls group along with Penny and Bernadette, and she's pushed the ladies to cook up some wild, fun-to-watch schemes, like this week's insane "Operation: Priya, Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya."
The opening scene in the bathroom, with Amy commenting on the "delightful social aspect" of the ladies' communal tinkling, was funny, awkward, weird and totally unexpected, or, simply put, totally Amy Farrah Fowler.
The delightfully bizarre Amy-ness continued and flourished in every scene featuring the girlie trio. We learned a lot about Amy here, and the revelations were funny ("I did two years of cub scouts before they found out I was a girl") and sad-funny ("I used to take my lunch down to the maintenance room and eat with the janitor. It was nice until his wife called me a 'puta' and made me stop!")
I loved the short scene with Amy wearing the high heels ("Oh, my metatarsals are barkin'") and warning Leonard not to leer at her "prominent" buttocks. Like Sheldon, Amy sees the world through the filter of an Encyclopedia and scientific case studies, but she seems to dive into life more than he ever has, giving the character a weird-charming fish-out-of-water quality.
'TBBT' has truly become an ensemble comedy. Johnny Galecki, once the show's lead, was pretty much pushed to recurring player status here. In a way, Jim Parsons was the star of his own small storyline this week, but the "three-person chess" thing, while funny and oh-so Sheldon, felt like it was only written to give Sheldon something to do while the other characters were up to more important things.
Sheldon's quest to create the geekiest game of chess ever ("Rook to transporter pad") was later interrupted by Raj, who, after reminding us that he's the saddest and most desperate character on the show (or "a pathetic shadow in a city with no heart"), showed up at Sheldon's door demanding hugs.
I was rooting for Raj to finally get over his fear of talking to women, but those experimental drugs had a "wacky physical comedy ahead" vibe to 'em even before he started choking them down. So, yes, we had a surprisingly satisfying few minutes with a relaxed Raj flirting with a pretty girl and acting like a fun, confident guy in the coffee shop. And then his shirt came off. And then his pants came off. And then he yelled, "She never even got to see my penis!" before pulling down his tighty whiteys in front of a shocked barista. Watching Raj strip down like a Zen master madman was hilarious. Still, it would be nice to see this character evolve a bit from the lonely sad sack we met in the first season.
Bernadette, the teeny-tiny 'Wildebeest' of the episode's title, was having the hardest time of anyone this week while trying to implement Amy's plan at the dinner. No one does uncomfortable squirming and cute-but-loud breakdowns on this show better than Rauch. I liked watching the mousy Bernadette allowing her guilt to turn her into a nervous rude wreck in the dinner scenes. ("Excuse me, I have to pee. OR IS THAT IMPLAUSABLE AS WELL!?")
It was great to see Raj, Bernadette and Amy Farrah Fowler eat up most of the screen time here, especially after watching Jim Parsons steal the spotlight during last week's Sheldon-centric episode. Nayyar, Rauch and especially Bialik are just as fun to watch as Parsons, Cuoco or Galecki, especially when they're given fun stuff to do.
'TBBT' has one of the funniest and most talented ensemble casts of any TV comedy. These performers could make almost any line or situation sound funny, but, thankfully, 'TBBT' is also stacked with talent in the joke-writing department."
Quoting from the www.tvsquad.com