Have you ever felt like you need a change in your life? Well I bet you had, in fact all of us had!
But why am I talking about this? I have a job, an amazing mother, a girlfriend, I'm healthy, what more could I ask for, right? Wrong!
Sometimes all the good things you have in your life dont stop you having this urge of change!
Sometimes this change means going back! Going back in time! Enjoying other stuff that you used to, but now can't or won't due to lifestyle. And let me tell you something it sucks when you feel like that!
You would probably say "well that's life, it's part of growing up", maybe in a sense There is a part of me that is still a child and wants to stay a child.
I miss having my band, all our sessions in studio plus all our gigs, good fun times. No matter how much we sucked, we just enjoyed jamming together! It was the best! Something that will stay in my heart forever and no one will ever be able to take that away from me!
Sometimes I find it funny when people tell me "oh Jorge you are still childish, watching anime, playing computer games" and I stare and admire them thinking to myself "you are barking at the wrong tree mate". I might enjoy these things but that doesnt make me less responsible, less adult, just makes me someone that likes doing something that these people don't because if you did you would know what I mean!
Just my today's 5 cents.
Oh yes, I have been watching The Office today, I'm now in the third series! Hurray!
For everyone that makes fun of you or your ways, remember this quote "Rise and rise again until lambs become lions"
quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2012
I've been Meytal Cohened!
Oh well this is my last Day Off before two Long Days! Yayks!
Just finished tiding the room! Oh Yeah! in the mean time I've been Youtubed :x
Just that Meytal Cohen recently published something on Facebook regarding Slayer and I just remembered how great covers she does! decided to go back and yes I have been listenening to them for the past hour or so :X here goes some!
Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold
Just finished tiding the room! Oh Yeah! in the mean time I've been Youtubed :x
Just that Meytal Cohen recently published something on Facebook regarding Slayer and I just remembered how great covers she does! decided to go back and yes I have been listenening to them for the past hour or so :X here goes some!
Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold
Even Flow - Pearl Jam
quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012
League of Legends Games Today!
So yes, I have finished a Night Shift Today, but since I'm off tomorrow I refuse to go to sleep up until Night Time.
Decided to Play Some League of Legends (LoL).
As you Might Recall I said I currently have two Different Accounts (EhtooS & MyAlterEgoPT).
So I'll be posting here my Match stats from the games I will be playing!
MyAlterEgoPT - Currently lvl 8

Playing as: Anivia
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 27:53
Result: Win
My Stats: 3/1/3
Report: My Stats don't actually show the good game i made. Playing vs another anivia mid i nailed her with no problem, took the turret first then other lanes, made anivia go back several times. I only went to base due to mana and Items. Overall a good game!
They Surrendered with 5votes!
Team kills were 45 vs 12.
Playing as: Teemo
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 44:03
Result: Lost
My Stats: 9/9/9
Report: It was a good match, definitely not my best Teemo Match but there was a miss communication, no help in teamfights, i got KSed a lot of times which can be annoying!
All and all good Match despite the final result! "Captain Teemo On Duty"
Playing as: Ashe
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 47:56
Result: Win
My Stats: 20/12/13
Report: A Good match dominated by me and Teemo on mid and late game. We had a player AFK since he reached lvl 10 when everyone was already lvl 14. Our Anivia was not very experienced when it comes to team fights and used many times the ice barrier that blocked temoo's and Ashe's atacks!
Playing as: Hecarim
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 42:18
Result: Win
My Stats: 5/9/12
Report: Another Premiere this time with Hecarim, we won and we played better as a team, by the end of the match i was starting to get the idea of Hecarim, it's not an easy champion to play but it's also not that difficult, I personally enjoyed playing with him!
Playing as: Nautilus
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 52:33
Result: Win
My Stats: 10/6/21
Report: Now i was trying Nautilus at first i did not like this champion, dunno why, but i was not playing very well with him until i started to understand his mechanic! and yeah an almost lost match turned into a victory with second place of kills and second place of assists :D quite proud of my first attempt to play him!
Decided to Play Some League of Legends (LoL).

As you Might Recall I said I currently have two Different Accounts (EhtooS & MyAlterEgoPT).
So I'll be posting here my Match stats from the games I will be playing!
MyAlterEgoPT - Currently lvl 8

Playing as: Anivia
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 27:53
Result: Win
My Stats: 3/1/3
Report: My Stats don't actually show the good game i made. Playing vs another anivia mid i nailed her with no problem, took the turret first then other lanes, made anivia go back several times. I only went to base due to mana and Items. Overall a good game!
They Surrendered with 5votes!
Team kills were 45 vs 12.
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 44:03
Result: Lost
My Stats: 9/9/9
Report: It was a good match, definitely not my best Teemo Match but there was a miss communication, no help in teamfights, i got KSed a lot of times which can be annoying!
All and all good Match despite the final result! "Captain Teemo On Duty"
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 47:56
Result: Win
My Stats: 20/12/13
Report: A Good match dominated by me and Teemo on mid and late game. We had a player AFK since he reached lvl 10 when everyone was already lvl 14. Our Anivia was not very experienced when it comes to team fights and used many times the ice barrier that blocked temoo's and Ashe's atacks!
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 42:18
Result: Win
My Stats: 5/9/12
Report: Another Premiere this time with Hecarim, we won and we played better as a team, by the end of the match i was starting to get the idea of Hecarim, it's not an easy champion to play but it's also not that difficult, I personally enjoyed playing with him!
Type: Normal 5v5
Duration of the Match: 52:33
Result: Win
My Stats: 10/6/21
Report: Now i was trying Nautilus at first i did not like this champion, dunno why, but i was not playing very well with him until i started to understand his mechanic! and yeah an almost lost match turned into a victory with second place of kills and second place of assists :D quite proud of my first attempt to play him!
terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012
Nursing Life in the UK
I have been Nursing in the UK for a year and two months now.
Nursing is Universal and no matter where you are, YOU are still the carer for your patient, the one that gives voice to your patient, the one that supports your patient through the darkest hours.
There is nothing more pleasent for me than coming back from work and having that amazing feeling " I have done something great". Sometimes simple things turns every struggle into something beautiful, like hearing a patient saying "Thank you for looking after me!" or "Thank for what you have done for my father/mother"! those litle words, even as simple as they are, make such a diference and shows how important your role is in the recovering of the patient!
Many times I have been questioned by patients & relatives "Why didn't you go for medicine?" My answer is still the same: "Because otherwise I would not spend this time looking after you, and there is nothing more rewarding than making you feel better". Usually their following question is: "But you have to deal with so many things and do so many things and we are not always nice" my typical answer is "That's what makes it interesting, that's what makes me coming to work!".
Yes, Being a nurse is a very tiring job, crazy shift rotations, Night Shifts, Twilights, 13 hours and a half day shits, but nevertheless so rewarding!
Working in a Emergency Assessment Unit has allowed me to develop a lot of different skills such as: time management, People management, Bed Management, but most of all it allowed me to develop as an acute Nurse, making me more sharp and wanting to research more and more about diferent conditions! I have seen so many different diagnosis here that I would need a lot more than a simple blog to list them all!
Now that I am starting on the Mentorship Course it will give me the opportunity of taking also a different resposability, helping shapping the future nurses of this Country! On the first day of my course it showed me how your role as a mentor is important and how it will impact on young future nurses, and the incredible ammount of responsability it will bring! More responsability equals more work, more work can only lead to an improvement of my current skills!
Soon I would love to do the Acute Nursing Training and the Advanced Life Support, as I believe those are core courses for a Critical and Emergency Care Nurse.
Do I ever feel, "Should i have chosen another carreer?" I can not lie to you, Yes sometimes I wonder that, but then comes that feeling, "You are working in prol of your patients, so what could be better than that?"
Nursing is Universal and no matter where you are, YOU are still the carer for your patient, the one that gives voice to your patient, the one that supports your patient through the darkest hours.
There is nothing more pleasent for me than coming back from work and having that amazing feeling " I have done something great". Sometimes simple things turns every struggle into something beautiful, like hearing a patient saying "Thank you for looking after me!" or "Thank for what you have done for my father/mother"! those litle words, even as simple as they are, make such a diference and shows how important your role is in the recovering of the patient!
Many times I have been questioned by patients & relatives "Why didn't you go for medicine?" My answer is still the same: "Because otherwise I would not spend this time looking after you, and there is nothing more rewarding than making you feel better". Usually their following question is: "But you have to deal with so many things and do so many things and we are not always nice" my typical answer is "That's what makes it interesting, that's what makes me coming to work!".
Yes, Being a nurse is a very tiring job, crazy shift rotations, Night Shifts, Twilights, 13 hours and a half day shits, but nevertheless so rewarding!
Working in a Emergency Assessment Unit has allowed me to develop a lot of different skills such as: time management, People management, Bed Management, but most of all it allowed me to develop as an acute Nurse, making me more sharp and wanting to research more and more about diferent conditions! I have seen so many different diagnosis here that I would need a lot more than a simple blog to list them all!
Now that I am starting on the Mentorship Course it will give me the opportunity of taking also a different resposability, helping shapping the future nurses of this Country! On the first day of my course it showed me how your role as a mentor is important and how it will impact on young future nurses, and the incredible ammount of responsability it will bring! More responsability equals more work, more work can only lead to an improvement of my current skills!
Soon I would love to do the Acute Nursing Training and the Advanced Life Support, as I believe those are core courses for a Critical and Emergency Care Nurse.
Do I ever feel, "Should i have chosen another carreer?" I can not lie to you, Yes sometimes I wonder that, but then comes that feeling, "You are working in prol of your patients, so what could be better than that?"
Hello, I am back again! now that I am a litle bit more settled I decided to re-start my blog =)
Here you will be able to follow me. What I am currently Reading, What Movies/TV shows I am currently watching, What music I am currently listening to, What I am doing, What Games I am currently Playing!
So let's Start...
I recently read "Seven days to say I Love You".

I know the title sounds cheesy, but it is actually a really good book about the struggle of a you Journalist to Say to his father that was diagnosed with cancer the words "I Love You".
Very well written, good plot. A must!
I'm currently reading "The Ambassador's Mission" by Trudi Canavan!

So far so good! A typlical Trudi Canavan Book with lots of action with a good story line, solid characters! what more could you ask from a Fantasy Style?
I'll tell you more as soon as I Finish reading it.
Oh well, I am still addicted to NightWish!

Their last album was one of the best ever! Great songs, a proper Masterpiece! Toumas is getting better and better!
I can't wait to watch their Film!
I just bought 2 tickets to their live concert in London! Still waiting for the tickets to arrive at my door tho.
I recently listened to Knife Party and got blown away! I usually don't like Dub-Step but these guys know what they are doing.

In terms of TV I am currently following The Office!

What a great Serie! "Michael" keeps surprising me every single episode!
I would say "Worst Boss Ever", funny Tho, but Terrible!
In terms of Movies I have recently watched Step Up 3.

Good Dance action! The plot is not amazing, but the dancing will keep you attached to the screen!
Just today I have re-watched The Hangover.

Even tho i was watching this film for the second time it still cracks me up!
If you enjoy a good laugh you should watch it!
I've started playing League of Legends! (been playing it for a few months now)

A Great game if you like DOTA based games!
I have recently reached level 30 on my main account (EhtooS)
The main champions I Play on this account are:



In my Second Account (MyAlterEgoPT) I am playing different champions, usually rotating between all the Free Week Rotation Champions!
From the ones I have played there I have to say that I Liked to play with the following:


As some of you probably know i used to play Paintball back in Portugal and recently started playing with a team called London Impact!
We are sponsored by Planet Eclipse and Draxxus!
Recently we won the UK Southern Masters!
We will be playing the Millennium European Series in Paris in October! the last Tournament of the Season! we are currently in position 8 of the Division 3 (best uk team on that division)!
I will bring you more updates on Paintball during my Participation on the Millenium!

I believe that is all for now! Will keep you up to date!
"Rise and Rise Again untill lambs become lions"
Here you will be able to follow me. What I am currently Reading, What Movies/TV shows I am currently watching, What music I am currently listening to, What I am doing, What Games I am currently Playing!
So let's Start...
I recently read "Seven days to say I Love You".

I know the title sounds cheesy, but it is actually a really good book about the struggle of a you Journalist to Say to his father that was diagnosed with cancer the words "I Love You".
Very well written, good plot. A must!
I'm currently reading "The Ambassador's Mission" by Trudi Canavan!

So far so good! A typlical Trudi Canavan Book with lots of action with a good story line, solid characters! what more could you ask from a Fantasy Style?
I'll tell you more as soon as I Finish reading it.
Oh well, I am still addicted to NightWish!

Their last album was one of the best ever! Great songs, a proper Masterpiece! Toumas is getting better and better!
I can't wait to watch their Film!
I just bought 2 tickets to their live concert in London! Still waiting for the tickets to arrive at my door tho.
I recently listened to Knife Party and got blown away! I usually don't like Dub-Step but these guys know what they are doing.

In terms of TV I am currently following The Office!
What a great Serie! "Michael" keeps surprising me every single episode!
I would say "Worst Boss Ever", funny Tho, but Terrible!
In terms of Movies I have recently watched Step Up 3.
Good Dance action! The plot is not amazing, but the dancing will keep you attached to the screen!
Just today I have re-watched The Hangover.

Even tho i was watching this film for the second time it still cracks me up!
If you enjoy a good laugh you should watch it!
I've started playing League of Legends! (been playing it for a few months now)
A Great game if you like DOTA based games!
I have recently reached level 30 on my main account (EhtooS)
The main champions I Play on this account are:
In my Second Account (MyAlterEgoPT) I am playing different champions, usually rotating between all the Free Week Rotation Champions!
From the ones I have played there I have to say that I Liked to play with the following:
As some of you probably know i used to play Paintball back in Portugal and recently started playing with a team called London Impact!
We are sponsored by Planet Eclipse and Draxxus!
Recently we won the UK Southern Masters!
We will be playing the Millennium European Series in Paris in October! the last Tournament of the Season! we are currently in position 8 of the Division 3 (best uk team on that division)!
I will bring you more updates on Paintball during my Participation on the Millenium!

I believe that is all for now! Will keep you up to date!
"Rise and Rise Again untill lambs become lions"
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