Hello, I am back again! now that I am a litle bit more settled I decided to re-start my blog =)
Here you will be able to follow me. What I am currently Reading, What Movies/TV shows I am currently watching, What music I am currently listening to, What I am doing, What Games I am currently Playing!
So let's Start...
I recently read "Seven days to say I Love You".

I know the title sounds cheesy, but it is actually a really good book about the struggle of a you Journalist to Say to his father that was diagnosed with cancer the words "I Love You".
Very well written, good plot. A must!
I'm currently reading "The Ambassador's Mission" by Trudi Canavan!

So far so good! A typlical Trudi Canavan Book with lots of action with a good story line, solid characters! what more could you ask from a Fantasy Style?
I'll tell you more as soon as I Finish reading it.
Oh well, I am still addicted to NightWish!

Their last album was one of the best ever! Great songs, a proper Masterpiece! Toumas is getting better and better!
I can't wait to watch their Film!
I just bought 2 tickets to their live concert in London! Still waiting for the tickets to arrive at my door tho.
I recently listened to Knife Party and got blown away! I usually don't like Dub-Step but these guys know what they are doing.

In terms of TV I am currently following The Office!

What a great Serie! "Michael" keeps surprising me every single episode!
I would say "Worst Boss Ever", funny Tho, but Terrible!
In terms of Movies I have recently watched Step Up 3.

Good Dance action! The plot is not amazing, but the dancing will keep you attached to the screen!
Just today I have re-watched The Hangover.

Even tho i was watching this film for the second time it still cracks me up!
If you enjoy a good laugh you should watch it!
I've started playing League of Legends! (been playing it for a few months now)

A Great game if you like DOTA based games!
I have recently reached level 30 on my main account (EhtooS)
The main champions I Play on this account are:



In my Second Account (MyAlterEgoPT) I am playing different champions, usually rotating between all the Free Week Rotation Champions!
From the ones I have played there I have to say that I Liked to play with the following:


As some of you probably know i used to play Paintball back in Portugal and recently started playing with a team called London Impact!
We are sponsored by Planet Eclipse and Draxxus!
Recently we won the UK Southern Masters!
We will be playing the Millennium European Series in Paris in October! the last Tournament of the Season! we are currently in position 8 of the Division 3 (best uk team on that division)!
I will bring you more updates on Paintball during my Participation on the Millenium!

I believe that is all for now! Will keep you up to date!
"Rise and Rise Again untill lambs become lions"
Here you will be able to follow me. What I am currently Reading, What Movies/TV shows I am currently watching, What music I am currently listening to, What I am doing, What Games I am currently Playing!
So let's Start...
I recently read "Seven days to say I Love You".

I know the title sounds cheesy, but it is actually a really good book about the struggle of a you Journalist to Say to his father that was diagnosed with cancer the words "I Love You".
Very well written, good plot. A must!
I'm currently reading "The Ambassador's Mission" by Trudi Canavan!

So far so good! A typlical Trudi Canavan Book with lots of action with a good story line, solid characters! what more could you ask from a Fantasy Style?
I'll tell you more as soon as I Finish reading it.
Oh well, I am still addicted to NightWish!

Their last album was one of the best ever! Great songs, a proper Masterpiece! Toumas is getting better and better!
I can't wait to watch their Film!
I just bought 2 tickets to their live concert in London! Still waiting for the tickets to arrive at my door tho.
I recently listened to Knife Party and got blown away! I usually don't like Dub-Step but these guys know what they are doing.

In terms of TV I am currently following The Office!
What a great Serie! "Michael" keeps surprising me every single episode!
I would say "Worst Boss Ever", funny Tho, but Terrible!
In terms of Movies I have recently watched Step Up 3.
Good Dance action! The plot is not amazing, but the dancing will keep you attached to the screen!
Just today I have re-watched The Hangover.

Even tho i was watching this film for the second time it still cracks me up!
If you enjoy a good laugh you should watch it!
I've started playing League of Legends! (been playing it for a few months now)
A Great game if you like DOTA based games!
I have recently reached level 30 on my main account (EhtooS)
The main champions I Play on this account are:
In my Second Account (MyAlterEgoPT) I am playing different champions, usually rotating between all the Free Week Rotation Champions!
From the ones I have played there I have to say that I Liked to play with the following:
As some of you probably know i used to play Paintball back in Portugal and recently started playing with a team called London Impact!
We are sponsored by Planet Eclipse and Draxxus!
Recently we won the UK Southern Masters!
We will be playing the Millennium European Series in Paris in October! the last Tournament of the Season! we are currently in position 8 of the Division 3 (best uk team on that division)!
I will bring you more updates on Paintball during my Participation on the Millenium!

I believe that is all for now! Will keep you up to date!
"Rise and Rise Again untill lambs become lions"
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